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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature
Home Page of the Regent Candidate Advisory Council


Under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, section 13.601) parts of this application are public information and other parts are private information.

What type of information is considered public information:

  • Name
  • City of residence
  • Education and training
  • Employment history
  • Volunteer work
  • Awards and honors
  • Prior government service
  • Veteran status

What type of information is considered private information:

  • Answers to essay questions are private data, unless you agree to make them public.
  • The written information provided by your references.

The Regent Candidate Advisory Council (RCAC) is collecting this private data to assist it in evaluating your application for membership on the Board of Regents. You are not required to provide private data, but the lack of this data may affect the ability of the RCAC to evaluate your application. Although the answers to the essay questions and the parts of this application containing information about references is private data, the law does not allow the RCAC to close a meeting to discuss this information. If the RCAC needs to discuss this information at a public meeting, it will attempt to take reasonable steps to protect the privacy of the information.

If you are elected to the Board of Regents, the following additional items on this application will become public: residential address, and either a telephone number or electronic mail address (or both if you request).

Position Sought

There are four open positions on the Board of Regents; one student at-large, two at-large, and one from Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District. Please check the regent position(s) for which you are applying. (Applicants for the student position must be enrolled in a degree program at the time of election, applicants for the 5th District position must reside in the 5th Congressional District, and the at-large positions are open to applicants from all districts.)

Find your district at: Who Represents Me?

Personal Information

Valid first name is required.
Valid last name is required.
Valid last name is required.
Street address is required.
City is required.
State is required.
Zip code is required.

Checking the boxes below allows release of that information now. Please note that the information provided below may be made available to members of the legislature and their staff for official purposes only.

Phone number with 123-456-7890 is required.
E-Mail is required.

Employment History

Please provide employment history (voluntary, paid or self-employment) for the past ten years or your last three positions (whichever is greater, if applicable) and list most current information first. If you are not certain of your official start or end date in a position, please select the first day of the month you began or left the position.

Employment history is required.
Employment history is required.
Employment history is required.
Employment history is required.
Employment history is required.
Employment history is required.

Employment history is required.
Employment history is required.
Employment history is required.
Employment history is required.
Employment history is required.
Employment history is required.

Employment history is required.
Employment history is required.
Employment history is required.
Employment history is required.
Employment history is required.
Employment history is required.

Upload additional employment information if necessary.

Governing Board Experience

Governing board experience can be obtained by being on the following types of boards: government, business, education, religious organization, charities, non-profits, etc. Responses should be limited to your last four positions; listing most current information first. If you are not certain of your official start or end date in a position, please select the first day of the month you began or left the position.

Upload additional governing board information if necessary.


References - This Information is Private

The reference information provided as part of the application will be used by RCAC members / legislative staff members for the limited purpose of evaluating your application. By submitting this application, you consent to legislative staff contacting these individuals to obtain a written reference if you are selected to participate in the interview portion of this application process.

Reference information is required.
Reference information is required.
Reference information is required.
Reference information is required.
Reference information is required.

Reference information is required.
Reference information is required.
Reference information is required.
Reference information is required.
Reference information is required.

Reference information is required.
Reference information is required.
Reference information is required.
Reference information is required.
Reference information is required.

Reference information is required.
Reference information is required.
Reference information is required.
Reference information is required.
Reference information is required.

Essay Questions and Attestations

Answers to essay questions and attestations remain private unless the applicant permits the release of this information by checking the box below.

Please answer the following questions using no more than two additional pages and upload your responses to the application.

  1. What has been your most important work or volunteer achievement? Please describe it briefly and indicate how this expertise could benefit the priorities and strategic vision of the University of Minnesota.
  2. How would others characterize your style in group decision making? Give specific examples of how you have been effective within a board or committee to influence decisions made by the group.
  3. How would you address the topics of student finances; campus safety; diversity, equity and inclusion; and up to three (3) additional important topics currently confronting the University of Minnesota?

Upload answers to essay questions.


I have read the Code of Conduct for Members of the Board of Regents and confirm that no personal or professional conflict of interest exists that would hinder my ability to serve in the capacity as a Regent (if elected).

I am aware that the amount of time a Regent must commit to perform required duties ranges from 20 to 40 hours per month and I confirm that I am able to commit such amount of time should I be elected to the position of Regent.

Is there any current or past event(s) that has occurred in my life which, if known, could negatively impact my effectiveness as a Regent (if elected)?

If you answer *(i) “No” to Attestations 1 or 2 or (ii) “Yes” to Attestation 3, please provide a short overview of the situation.

Signature and Submittal Instructions

By submitting this application, I certify that all information in this application is factually correct, and do hereby consent to my nomination.

Signature is required.
Date is required.