Under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, section 13.601) parts of this application are public information and other parts are private information.
What type of information is considered public information:
What type of information is considered private information:
The Regent Candidate Advisory Council (RCAC) is collecting this private data to assist it in evaluating your application for membership on the Board of Regents. You are not required to provide private data, but the lack of this data may affect the ability of the RCAC to evaluate your application. Although the answers to the essay questions and the parts of this application containing information about references is private data, the law does not allow the RCAC to close a meeting to discuss this information. If the RCAC needs to discuss this information at a public meeting, it will attempt to take reasonable steps to protect the privacy of the information.
If you are elected to the Board of Regents, the following additional items on this application will become public: residential address, and either a telephone number or electronic mail address (or both if you request).
There are four open positions on the Board of Regents; one student at-large, two at-large, and one from Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District. Please check the regent position(s) for which you are applying. (Applicants for the student position must be enrolled in a degree program at the time of election, applicants for the 5th District position must reside in the 5th Congressional District, and the at-large positions are open to applicants from all districts.)
Find your district at: Who Represents Me?